आध्यात्मिक चिंतन

इस समूह मे सदस्य गण आध्यात्मिक विषयों पर चिंतन एवं स्वस्थ चर्चायें कर सकतें हैं ।

TIME "IS" and TIME is "NOT"

Time "IS" and Time is "NOT.... this is the greatest philosophic discovery by our sages as well as by scientists like Einstein.

Given the undue importance to TIme, it envelopes every person, every thing, every action, even every thought in this relative world.

The same TIME is "NOT", as we move away, or rather move up, from the relative to the SUBTLE world, losing its control on us. As we move from the relative to the realm of the SUBTLE, the bondage "with" and "of" TIME not only loosens, in stead, what appeared to be the binding chain just unravels, giving us a feeling of REAL FREEDOM.

The more we disassociate ourselves from time the more FREE we feel, and more this freedom, the more is our life well lived.